Thursday, March 26, 2009

American: homework due 3/30


- finish The Crucible
Come ready with your 15 lines memorized!


British: homework due 3/30

Hey guys,

- return grades signed
- read all of Pygmalion
do a George Bernard Shaw bi0

Let me know if you have any questions!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

American: homework due 3/23


I AM SO SORRY this homework is so late!! It's been a crazy week - but there's no excuse. Thanks for your patience! :)

You need to read Acts 1 & 2 of the The Crucible, and do a bio on Arthur Miller.

Grateful for you all,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

British: homework due 3/16

Hey kids,

Your homework for this week is:

"An Ideal Husband," Acts 1 & 2
Oscar Wilde bio

Have a great week!

American: homework due 3/16

Hey guys,

Your homework for this week is to finish Gatsby and to write your five-paragraph theme paper.

Jon -- we missed you! You can get notes from one of your classmates. We talked about different themes in class on Monday.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Both classes: FYI

By the way, guys, you must bring all your homework that was due yesterday to class this coming Monday.


American: homework due 3/8

Hey guys,

I hope you had a fantastic snow day! That day won't be made up at the end of the year, so we have to pretend like we didn't miss a class and just keep moving on with your homework. In light of that:

- Read chapters 4 - 7 in Great Gatsby
Write a newspaper article in which you report on one of Gatsby's opulent parties. Interview guests, speculate about the host, describe the scene, the purpose, etc. This should be 1 - 2 pages long; it'd be fun if it was in newspaper type and in two columns. Maybe you can even find a picture or two to include? The more creative the better!
- Continue work on your vocab list

Let me know if you have any questions!


British: homework due 3/8

Hey guys,

I am SO bummed that we missed a day of Silas Marner! As you know - this is (ahem) a *favorite* of mine, and I really wanted that class time together. ...But I'm not gonna lie; the surprise day off was lovely!

So - here's your homework for this week. I realize it's a little hefty, but we can't afford to get behind. Thanks in advance for your understanding and good attitudes -- I really cherish that!

- Finish Silas Marner
Write a 5-paragraph essay (you can keep it shorter than normal; 2 - 3 pages is fine) on one of the following topics
1. The individual vs. the community
2. The significance of love and relationship
3. Sin of greed and its outworkings
- Come with your completed vocab list

Let me know if you have any questions!
